Strain: Helmut & Alfons Klaas
Father is "Mr Bond", half sister is mother "Victor," the Sun City winner 2011, his mother is full sister "Birdy," the best pigeon over the last years in Sun City. Knock Out Winner, Average Winner, Grand Average Winner. Sold in auction for 72 000 Euro.
Mother is "Das Juwelchen" (A.u.w. Drapa), her father is "Carl:"
1st Ace pigeon Germany '06,
2nd Ace Pigeon Germany '05.
1st Olympia winner '06.
Nation Cup all-round '06. Peak prices: 1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2.
Her mother is "Tochter Maya" 1st Ace Hen Germany '06.
Peak Prices: 1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-4-5-5-8-9
Grandmother "Victor" 1st price winner Sun City final race 2010 for Kitchenbrand Loft.